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Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

I am starting this post on 12/30 at 10 pm because I suspect that I will need to write it in smaller doses. 2010 has been a big year in some ways and a nothing year in others. I am borrowing these headlines from a fellow blogger to keep me on track!

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Good question... I have been MUCH better about blogging. One of my frustrations with my writing is that I tend to not stick with it. Not only have I stuck with it, but I have written twice as many entries this year as I did last year! I also ran 3 5ks, which is one more than usual. We also have gone mostly gluten-free. We don't need to, but we wanted to give it a try. Aside from baking products, it has not been bad and I think we will continue. We started an annual fall camping trip with our couple BFFs. We went for my birthday this year and loved it so much that we plan to make it an annual event.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 
I don't really make resolutions, but I did want to try to eat better and exercise more. Did I do this? Yes and no. I still have zero self-control when it comes to sweets so I continue to be a failure in that department. We renewed our gym membership and have been making an effort to walk and do yoga.

3. What places did you visit? 

4. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
 a baby

5. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
On June 25th, our couple BFFs got married. We were both in the wedding, and it was great fun. On March 1, we became active with our adoption agency. On July 5, we celebrated 2 years of marriage!

6. What was your biggest achievement of the year? 
Happiness. I know I am happy because my life is real. I feel content in my heart with who I am and with the relationships I have. My husband has changed my life is unmeasurable ways. I feel lucky everyday to have someone who cares about me so deeply and who has created such a beautiful life with me. Some days, I actually pinch myself because it is hard to believe that this is my REAL life. 

7. What was your biggest failure?
 I would have to say not taking enough time to do fun activities. As I re-read many of my posts from the last year, I was consumed with self-imposed busy work. This year, I want to make a conscious effort to just BE.  I want to spend more time pursuing my passions--writing, reading, art, travel. Being on a budget, I may need to compromise on how I pursue these things, but I am confident that I will find a way.

8. Did you suffer illness or injury?
 Aside from minor colds here and there, 2010 was a healthy year for me!

9. What did you get really, really, really excited about? 
Silly as it sounds, one of the things that made me the happiest this year was our season pass to the local state park. We went there often to hike and swim with the dogs. It did bring me a greater sense of peace and harmony with nature that I never really knew I was missing. 

I also sold ~$100 worth of my candles this Christmas! This was huge for me because it seemed that my hobby would stay a hobby. I love it when life surprises me! 

10. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier

b) thinner or fatter? I think about the same

c) richer or poorer? poorer financially but richer emotionally

11. What do you wish you’d done more of?
I always want to travel more and to see new places. I think we would enjoy day trips, but we NEVER, EVER do them. Day trips would be perfect because our home is in reasonable driving distance to Boston, NYC, Canada, RI, VT and PA. With the adoption being so potentially last minute, we are hesitant to book a trip out to California to visit Dave's sister, but we do hope to get out there asap once our baby is home and old enough to travel.

12. What do you wish you’d done less of?
That would hands down be working at the golf course! It was a HUGE source of stress and angst for me, and I hope I am finished working there. Sad to say, there is a decent chance I will be back there unless I find something else. Add that to my resolution list!

13.  What were your favorite TV programs?
~ House Hunters
~Modern Family
~Property Virgins
~The IT Crowd
14.  What did you do for your birthday in 2010?
My birthday this year...I actually had to go back to my older entries to find out! Unfortunately, I only wrote about my gift. Dave and I went to dinner at Cantina,our favorite Mexican place in Saratoga. We has a great meal and mojitos, and then we headed to Gaffney's to sit outside and listen to live music. My sisters surprised me by coming up and the 4 of us had a great time. I remember, one bad but hysterical part, when these 2 guys got into a fight of sorts that involved throwing drinks and chairs. Looking back, it was funny but it was scary at the time.

We also went on the previously mentioned camping trip the weekend before my birthday. While it was quite chilly, we loved it!

Dave also surprised me with a Kindle. It is amazing and so is he!

15.  What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010?
 With the failing health of my grandparents, I have learned to TRY and live in the moment. We cannot take tomorrow for granted.  Which leads me to the next question...

16.  My goals for 2011:  
 My grandparents have asked me to write a book about their lives and our family.  As you know, I have always wanted to start writing, but never could quite find a meaningful topic. When they asked me to do this on Christmas Eve, I knew that I could not say no. I do not know if the book will be good, or if it will even be published, but I want to write it for them. I am excited about this project because it will involve interviewing them and learning about their early life together and their childhoods. I feel that I know some of it from the stories Pop has told us, but I know there is so much more there. I hope I am able to do this for them as it would be a wonderful tribute to their lives and who they are.

This post was completed at 9:52 am on 12/31! Wow, a whole day early!

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