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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Baby #2

Something that Dave and I have been working on is adopting a sibling for LX!  We actually started the process in June, and we should be active and waiting in a month or so.  This time everything feels so different.  I am sure we still have emotional roller coasters as we wait, but now we have LX to focus on.  He has been the answer to so many prayers and longings that another child would be icing on an already sweet cake.

I didn't write about this, but I lost my Nani in January.  Seeing the way our family needed each other during such a hard time really opened our eyes.  We thought we would be happy with one child, but we started to feel that it was unfair to LX.  Not to be morbid, but Dave and I won't be around forever.  We hated the idea of him being alone, ever.  We also are so close with our siblings that I can't believe that we didn't have a change of heart sooner.

While I am not excited about the process again as it just seems like we finalized, but I am VERY excited about our family growing.  Dave and I often ask each other if two children is wise when LX is on a tear, but we know in our hearts that it is.

LX and I have good talks when we are alone in the car, which is fairly often.  Today we talked about his adoption and his birth mom.  He "knows" that he was in S's belly and then we adopted him.  I asked him if he wanted a baby to join our family, and he yelled YES!  He said he wants a sister, but who knows who will join us.  Regardless, we are thrilled to be growing again in the next few years.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our baby is 2

As always, this post is late.  Our LX turned 2 last week.  We had a wonderful Elmo party for him, and he was so excited about his "Elmo birthday cake!"

As you can see, as he ages his confidence grows.  He can often be found standing on items that make me faint of heart.  Some favorites are the dining room table and the arms of the couch.  He loves to find adventure in the everyday, and I love that about him.  He is always seeking fun, and I hope he always will.

I am so happy that we were able to get this family photo.  Since he never stops moving, it has been nearly impossible to get any photos of us together.  Luckily, he loves taking selfies and making videos so I have plenty of those. He is such a ham.

Much to my supreme delight, he LOVES reading.  He wants to read everyday, and usually more than once per day.  We are so glad that he enjoys it.  We have all of his birthday cards on the mantle, and he asks me to take them down so he can read his "books."  He is so excited, but then confused as to why they are only one page long! He is so inquisitive too.  No matter where we are or what we are doing, he will point and say, "What's dis?"  His vocabulary has just exploded this summer, and we are so proud of him.  

Just as when he was a baby, eating is still one of his favorite past times.  He is a growing boy who never stops moving, and he needs to refuel often!  Some of his current favorites are hummus, watermelon, chips, ketchup, any breakfast foods, and of course, birthday cake.  The first thing he says every morning is, "I eat!"

Hands down, this boy has such a gentle nature.  He can raise heck with the best of them, but he has such a sweet soul.  So much love seeps out of him, and we just could eat him up.  He loves to give hugs, but is stingy with his kisses.  I love that he will hold my hand, and sometimes asks to do so.  I am soaking it up because I know one day he will not want me so close.  He and Dave have such a great relationship.  Dave is always teaching him, and LX is right there soaking it up.  Dave waters the flowers with him, lets him "help" when he is working around the house, and is so present in LX's life.  This is such a blessing.  I love my boys.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Worst Blogger Award

It goes to me.  I have not written in 2 months, and I think that is the longest I've gone.  Sorry.  Life happens.

My sister Jess gave me a book called 642 Things to Write About, and I will be using it now as I have so much to say, yet no real desire to write much of anything.  Life is really great, just insanely busy.  So back to the book.  I decided to just open the book ad write about the first prompt I saw.  So here goes...

"Where would you be now if you had married your first love?"

Ahhh what a fun question.  I have actually thought about this before.  My first love was a childhood friend who I dated on and off for a couple of years in high school. He is older than I am, and we started dating when I was 15 and he was 17.  It was my sophomore year and his senior year.  He was headed to the Army after graduation.  In our naivete, we imagined that the distance wouldn't matter and that our young love would last.  In a way, I miss that innocence.  That thinking that life wouldn't really happen if you wished hard enough.

So had I married him, I think we would be divorced!  Not that he is a bad guy by any means, but he is just so very different from me.  He made a career out of the military, lived overseas for many years, and did 2 tours in Afghanistan.  I cannot imagine living the life of a military wife, but I suppose for the "one," I would.  I admit that living overseas is a dream of mine, but it would have nothing to do with being on a military base.  I worried about him as a friend when he was in combat; I cannot imagine having a husband in that situation.  I have all the respect in the world for military families, and I know I do not have the courage to be one.

I firmly believe that life works out as it should, and that we are paired with the one who isn't perfect but is perfect for us.  Fortunately, my first love was not the one.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

18 Months

How is this even possible?

Our baby is now a beautiful little boy.

I don't know if I believe in miracles, but if they are real, he is one.  

To say that we are more in love with him and each other than ever is an understatement. We love you LXG!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Being a Working Mom

This is a topic that I have had on my mind since September, but after a recent visit with my sister Jess, I decided to write about it.  She asked me if being a working mom is hard.

The answer is Yes.

Being a working mom feels like juggling constantly, making compromises all of the time.  After all, there are only so many hours in the day.  It has forced my already efficient personality into over-drive.  How can I do XYZ faster and better?  There are always lunches to make, dishes to wash, laundry to fold.  The chores are always there, like death and taxes.  Then there is work.  I love my work.  I missed it much more than I thought I would, even on those stressful days.  I love that with teaching, when I am at work, I am 100% at work.  It takes up my entire focus, and I love that about teaching.  I do miss those days of play dates and such, but it also makes me appreciate the time that I do have that much more.  I cherish the time we have together and make the most of it.  When I am home, I am home.  Grading and chores wait until after bedtime.  Dave and I feel that it is of utmost important to be present.  After all, parenthood is what we longed for.

The answer is also No.

While I am more stressed out now than just about any other time in my life, I am also the most satisfied.  I am not an either/or person.  I am an AND person.  I need to have my family and my career.  It takes both of those for me to be truly happy.  I feel very lucky to have had the year with LX, but I also feel lucky to be teaching.  I just read an article about the art of "having it all," and I don't believe that it is attainable.  But if you can get most of what you want, I would say you are doing alright.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Reading List and Award Winners

2013: A Year in Books

  • Found, Margaret Peterson Haddix
  • Juvie, Steve Watkins
  • The Paris Wife, Paula McLain
  • Deadly, Sara Sheperd
  • Seven Minutes in Heaven, Sara Sheperd
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
  • Calling Me Home, Julie Kibler
  • Fly Away, Kristen Hannah
  • Mystic Lake, Kristen Hannah
  • Murder in the Adirondacks, Craig Brandon
  • This is How, Augusten Burroughs
  • The Fault in our Stars, John Green
  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Blackberry Winter, Sarah Jio
  • Kris Jenner . . . And All Things Kardashian, Kris Jenner
  • Sharp Objects, Gillian Flynn
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson, John Green & David Levithan
  • Cross My Heart, Hope to Die, Sara Sheperd
  • Red Thread Sisters, Carol Antoinette Peacock
  • Lone Wolf, Jodi Picoult
  • Hide and Seek, Sara Sheperd
  • In a Heartbeat, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy
  • Life of Pi, Yann Martel
  • Where We Belong, Emily Giffin
  • Clockwork Angel, Cassandra Claire
  • Just One Day, Gayle Foreman
  • What Happened to Cass McBride?, Gail Giles

I am doing sub-categories since I liked most of what I read this year.

Best Book of 2013
Life of Pi, Yann Martel

Best Young Adult
Pretty Little Liars and all that followed, Sara Shepard
The Fault in Our Stars, John Green

Best Non-Fiction
In a Heartbeat, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy
This is How, Augusten Burroughs

Best Fiction
The Paris Wife, Paula McLain
Calling Me Home, Julie Kibler

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Year in Review

2013 Year in Review

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?

This year I learned how to be a working mom.  It has been awesome to be back at school as I truly missed teaching.  It has not been without its challenges also.  Time seems to go by faster, and there are just not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do, and yet I am more fulfilled than ever.  Staying home last year was wonderful, but I was missing the deep satisfaction I get from teaching.  

We celebrated our son's first birthday and finalized his adoption.  The joy of both of these events is indescribable!

Out SAT business also got up and running this year.  It took a lot of time and effort, but it was successful in both the fall and spring.  I am just getting together our mailing for our third session.

I also began taking piano lessons from my sister Amanda!

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 

I didn't really make any last year, but I still need to work on my diet and exercise.  I did read a fair amount, and I semi-maintained my blog.

My resolution for 2014 is to live in a state of gratitude for all I have been given, most of which I do not deserve.  And also to not let the decisions of others make me angry.  

3. What places did you visit? 

North Carolina, Cape Cod, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island

4. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?


5. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory?

7/24: finalized LX's adoption
7/5: Our 5th wedding anniversary and the trip to Newport, RI
6/4: Our second nephew Peter Chase was born
8/22: LX's birthday
7/20: meeting LX's birth father
11/9-11/11: Sister's Weekend in Manchester, VT

6. What was your biggest achievement of the year? 

My biggest achievement was being me!  I am so sad to see some of my friends lose themselves as people once they became moms, and I really work hard to not let that happen.  I am still a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a teacher.
7. What was your biggest failure?

 I have let my filter off somewhat, and I probably offended some people.  I am a fairly opinionated gal, and I sometimes struggle to keep my opinions to myself.

8. Did you suffer illness or injury?

No :-)

9. What did you get really, really, really excited about? 

LX had many exciting milestones, including walking and talking.  He is all-around adorable and fun.

I also got really excited about the travel we did this year.  While it was significantly less than last year, I did go to two new places (Manchester and Newport).  

10. Compared to this time last year, are you:

a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter? 
c) richer or poorer

11. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Honestly, writing.  I was a major slacker this year, and I could play the "I'm s busy" card, but in reality I just did not make time.  I would like to say that this year will be better, but I can't promise anything.

12. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Letting other people's decisions bug me so much.  I have a couple of friendships that are dying, and I just cannot seem to pull the plug even though I want to.  Instead I let myself linger in this unhappy, judgmental place when I would rather not be there.

13.  What were your favorite TV programs?

Breaking Bad
Big Bang Theory
Orange is the New Black
Keeping Up With the Kardashians
14.  What did you do for your birthday in 2013?

We all were home sick on my birthday this year!  I am guessing Dave and I went out to dinner, but I couldn't tell you when or where we went!

15.  What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013?

I don't write about Dave very often on here, but I re-learned that I have the perfect partner for me.  I love how we have adjusted to being parents but also still put a ton of effort into our marriage.  I feel lucky to have such a great husband, and I try everyday to show him how grateful I am.

16.  My goals for 2014:   

Be present, say thank you, love more!

Happy New Year!