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Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

TGIF!  This week has dragged, but I am glad the weekend is here.

1.  We found out "unofficially" that we will be getting 4 unused snow days back!  We will "unofficially" have a long weekend on May 18, a 5-day Memorial Day weekend, and our last day of school is now a day earlier.  WOOT!

2.  I am hanging out with one of my favorite co-workers after school today.  She is in her 50s or 60s, but we get along so well.  I am pretty pumped to spend some time with her outside school.

3.  I was able to do side planks in my weights class this week.  On my right side, I could even lift my arm and leg!  This is huge for me because I couldn't even do one the first week.

4.  I got a new hair cut and color yesterday.  I went a bit darker and shorter, and I love it.  My stylist always does such a great job with cuts that fit my chubby face.

5.  Dave suggested that I should include him on this list so I will this week.  He is always pretty amazing, and we have so much fun.  I love how he just gets me and how we laugh all the time.  Plus, he is pretty cute.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


As you know, I am slightly obsessive about the passage of time.  It is always moving too fast or too slow for me.  One week from today at 4pm we will be on the road to vacation!  We are driving from home to PA Thursday night and then on to NC on Friday.  I hope the weather is good and traffic is moving.  We usually do not leave after school, but we are both SO ready for a vacation that we decided to try it this year.

Happy travels to all who are traveling!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10 More Thought on Whole Living

I love this monthly feature in Whole Living Magazine, so here is April's:

1.  Action is one of the best remedies for fear.

2.  If you want happiness for a lifetime, help the next generation.

3.  Worth asking: Where in my work is the opportunity to improve the world, even in the smallest way?

4.  Making waves may be riskier than treading water--but it's also more productive.

5.  Going green is like protecting your health; it comes down to respecting the place you inhabit.

6.  Often it's not our values that are faulty, but our priorities.

7.  It's impossible to learn to swim without jumping in the water.

8.  Follow what makes you naturally curious; it will lead you to your passions and purpose.

9.  Try not to confuse one defeat with total defeat.

10.  Each time you turn on the faucet, let it be a reminder to go with the flow.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Wonder Years

I stumbled upon this oldie but goodie today on Amazon, and I decided to watch a few episodes.  I forgot how much I adore this show.  When I was younger, I watched it for entertainment value, but now that I am older and supposedly wiser, I am fascinated with the historical context of the show.  

Wow, I just really sounded like the wife of a social studies teacher.  Truth be told, I have a not-so-secret love of history.  I love the 1960's.  I often wonder, who would I be if I lived during that time?  I would like to think that I would be someone who would protest the Vietnam War or march for civil rights, but I don't believe in protesting so I probably wouldn't.  Maybe if I had lived during the 60's, I would believe in protesting.  I am amazed at what the youth of that generation did to try to make a difference.  

I think my contemporaries and I were raised to be a generation of complacency, and that has largely been the trend ever since.  I tend to lean in a more liberal direction, but I think that people who are either too far left or right are in a dangerous spot. 

One of my best qualities (I think anyway) is my ability to really see both sides of an issue.  While this sometimes causes me to struggle to make a decision, I also think it lends itself to that smarter, in the middle thinking.  I believe that there are very few situations in life that are truly black or white, which can be very frustrating.  

But do I really believe that people's actions cannot make a difference?  Of course not!  I wouldn't be a teacher if I didn't think it made a difference.  So why did I roll my eyes every time Occupy Wall Street was on the news?  I can't say for sure.  Part of me looks at the 60's and says those people were fighting for something real.  Is anything "real" anymore?  The modern day protest usually involves a "post your underwear color" on Facebook as a supposed cancer or what-have-you awareness.  Somehow our protests feel superficial, and I just cannot get on board with that.   

Maybe I am just romanticizing history.  I just feel like Martin Luther King, Jr. really meant every action in his life.  He lived with intention, and I am hard-pressed to find anyone like him in our time.  He made great change non-violently.  How about that?  

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Would you like some color with your coffee?

Weekly Wrap Up

What a week!  When I looked at the week ahead last Sunday, just seeing all I had to do overwhelmed me.  Now that Friday is here, it wasn't such an unmanageable week after all.

1.  I really pushed myself on Tuesday at the gym.  I took my usual body sculpting class, and then I took a spin class right after it.  I don't think I have ever worked so hard!  After I was done, I felt great.  I am still sore, but it is a good feeling.  Dave went with me to my Wednesday night weights class, and it was nice to have him work out with me.

2.  The Hunger Games movie comes out today!  While we are waiting a few weeks to see it, I am dying to hear what people think.  This was one of the best books I have ever read, and I am hoping the movie does it justice.  I will post a full review after I see it, but I will say now that I am unhappy with the actress playing Katniss.

3.  The puppies got their hair cuts last night!  I know it is silly, but they look and smell so wonderful.  We always have them clipped before our trip to NC since the ticks are rampant where my in laws live.

4.  Our profile went out again twice in the last month.  Who knows what will come of it, but hopefully we get news soon.

5.  We leave for NC in only 12 days!!! We only have loose plans as to what we will do when we are there, but we know we will walk a ton and eat.  There is this little hole in the wall Mexican place that has the best food we have ever eaten.  Also, we will make a trip to my favorite place: The Sweet Shop! Have I mentioned how excited I am?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Greatest Instrument

"Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..." (the sunscreen song)

I have been so touched by the encouragement I have received both online and in person for my new fitness lifestyle.  Those of you who know me know that exercise has been a very low priority for about 28 of the 30 years I have been alive.  I started thinking about my change of heart, and I decided to dedicate a post to just that.

Back in 2008, just after Dave and I were married, I had a lump in my left lymph node that was suspicious.  It had been there for years, but it began growing more rapidly and causing intense shoulder discomfort.  The day after we returned from our honeymoon, I had surgery to remove it.  Unbeknownst to me, the surgeon told Dave and my parents that it looked like lymphoma and to be prepared.  The local doctors studied it more closely and also sent it to Johns Hopkins.  Amazingly, it turned out to be dead tissue, not cancer.  I do not know why, but I got a miracle.  

This news first began a huge emotional shift for me.  As I have written in past posts, it is what has caused me to re-evaluate what is important in life, how I spend my time, and who I spend it with.  I am not saying that I am perfect at doing this, but I am so much more conscious of it now.  It was only a matter of time until I shifted my focus to how I treat my body. I love to eat.  I hate being restricted when it comes to eating.  I have miles to go in the eating department.  I was once quoted as saying that "I like to get my fruit from pie."  

So why do I work out so much more now?  

I will start with the easy answer.  I really like my gym.  It is small and in the middle of nowhere, but the classes are what I am looking for and at times that work for me.  I actually go to the gym alone!  I have been taking Zumba for almost one year, and it is what really started me on the kick.  It was only once a week, and it was what kept me working out on the non-Zumba days.  Zumba is still the highlight of my Monday.

The second and third reasons are ones that came up when I really started thinking about why I work out.  My second reason is my Nan.  She is in her mid-seventies and is basically wheelchair bound.  Some of it has been beyond her control, but I never want to end up in that position, and I will do ANYTHING I can to prevent it.  Seeing her makes me realize how much I take movement for granted.  A simple thing like writing is next to impossible for her.  So much of who I am comes from my hands, and I want to keep that movement.  I care about my heart and lungs, and I know working out will help prevent so many illnesses AND reduce stress.  I know you are probably thinking "DUH!" but it took some time to truly incorporate this into my philosophy.  If putting in an hour at the gym buys me more time on Earth and a better quality of life, I will do it.  

Thirdly, it is about infertility.  I can focus on the one thing my body can't do or I can focus on the thousands of things it can do.  I choose Option #2.  On the days I feel down about not having a baby, I exercise.  I tell myself that this stamina will come in handy when I am chasing Junior around.  Plus, I want to be my healthiest self for my child, in every way.  I want to be the mom that hikes, swims, bikes, runs, and plays.  Growing up, my parents were great fitness role models as they often exercised.  We would take walks or bike rides as a family.  They would jog together and separately, as would Pop.  My one sister has always been extremely active and attended college on an athletic scholarship!  To be honest, my former lack of fitness made me odd man out in my family. They never said it, but coming from such a fit family, what was my problem?! 

Maybe I just needed a reason.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Newest Reading Obsession

I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I am 100% in love with the Pretty Little Liars series.  Yes, I know they are a young adult series, but you wouldn't know so based on all of the very adult drama that ensues.  I am almost finished with the 3rd book, and I have the 4th book waiting for me downstairs.  This is bad because I really need to finish A Prayer for Owen Meany, but it is just so dull in comparison to the gals from Rosewood Day.  

From Good Reads:  "Three years ago, Alison disappeared after a slumber party, not to be seen since. Her friends at the elite Pennsylvania school mourned her, but they also breathed secret sighs of relief. Each of them guarded a secret that only Alison had known. Now they have other dirty little secrets, secrets that could sink them in their gossip-hungry world. When each of them begins receiving anonymous emails and text messages, panic sets in. Are they being betrayed by some one in their circle? Worse yet: Is Alison back? A strong launch for a suspenseful series."

PLL is also a television show, but I refuse to watch it until I finish the series.  I have a few ideas about what happened to Alison, but I would hate for it to be spoiled by TV!  If you are looking to get sucked in by a chick drama, this is the series for you!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

What a week!  You know it is crazy when there is only one post between weekly wrap ups.  I will get better next week since I have several neat activities coming up!

So this week...

1.  I took an awesome road trip with my youngest sister over the weekend.  We had the best time, and I can't wait to do it again.  I finally went to Ikea and Sonic, and they were as amazing as I thought they would be.  Maybe our other sister will join us next time? :-) Hint, hint!

2.  I had a fun meet up with Jess and James downtown for a walk and Plum Dandy.  The weather has been unseasonably warm this week, and it was wonderful to get outside and walk around.  I have written about how much I love where I live in other posts, but I want to reiterate how awesome our small city is.  I look forward to many more walk arounds in the months to come.

3.  I lost 4 pounds!  The bad news is that it is because I had the stomach flu.  I came home from work sick on Wednesday, stayed home on Thursday, and am finally somewhat feeling like myself again today.  Luckily, I only have a half day with the kids, and I can rally for 4 hours.  I do not wish that illness on anyone as it was the sickest I have been in a LONG time.

4.  Syracuse won their first tournament game yesterday in a close one against NC Asheville.  Dave had a great time watching it with our brother-in-law Josh and his family at a bar while I was home on the couch.  Pity party, table for one? ;-)

5.  Only 22 days until we leave for NC!  I absolutely LOVE visiting my in laws in the beautiful and warm state of NC.  We usually see friends in DC on our way down, and then enjoy the rest of the week relaxing, walking, and eating.   It is funny (odd, not haha) to be a NY-er while there.  The whole pace of life is different, slower but in a nice way.  People talk to one another in line at the grocery store.  While this somewhat goes against my personality, I do find it novel and nice.  For a week anyway!

Have a great weekend!  Look for more posts coming soon! <3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

This week went by so quickly, and I am not sure why!

1.  The donkey basketball game was last night, and it went well.  My donkey's name was Not Today, and she was rather nice.  I didn't get thrown off at all, and I scored a basket! Our team lost by 2 in overtime, but it was a blast.  My donkey's son was all up in our grill which made riding a bit of a challenge.  I did get a photo with my sweet a$$, but I need to get it from the Yearbook person!  Some of the kids got thrown on the ground and kicked a ton.  I felt bad for them, but I was just glad it wasn't me!

2.  I began a new weight class on Wednesday, and it was really tough!  My pal Angela is teaching it through our continuing education program, and it will last for 7 more weeks.  I needed to add a weight routine to my usual workout so this is just the ticket.

3.  I have no plans this weekend!  I am so happy about this.  Last weekend we were in NH, Syracuse, and Amsterdam so it will be nice to stay home.

4.  Last Saturday, we went to the Carrier Dome to see the Orange beat Louisville!  It was Dave's birthday gift, and we had a great time.  We had seats that were really far away, but we could actually see just fine.  We hope to get to another game next year.

5.  There are only 18 school days until April vacation!  I love my job, but we are going to NC over break and I just love it there.  Here are a few photos from last year's trip...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Busy Week!

Sorry I haven't had much time to write this week, but I have been pretty busy!  I will save it for the weekly wrap up post, but I hope to be back this weekend!

In the meantime, here are some pretties:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

2 Years Today

Of waiting. I was pretty bummed about it earlier, but then I decided to engage in some retail therapy.  Somehow, selecting our little one's wardrobe always cheers me.  These are all from the sale section of Gymboree, $5 shipping, bringing my total to $28!  Not bad!