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Sunday, July 5, 2009

One Year!

Today is our 1 year anniversary! It is hard to believe it as it feel like just yesterday, but also like we have always been married. Unfortunately, D is in NH this weekend and I am working all weekend. We are heading to Boston in August to see a Red Sox game, and we will spend 2 nights there. I am sure we will hit up Quincy Market and Vinny T's. We love Boston, and we haven't been since the night we were engaged. It will be great to get back there with my love.

On another VERY exciting note, we have decided on an adoption agency! We have been researching for almost a year, and have decided to go with Friends in Adoption. There is an overnight workshop that we will attend on August 20-21. We are excited about our decision, but know that the road from here is long. This is actually fine as we are not ready to be parents just yet, but we know that we may wait a long time so we want to get the process started.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary!

    Also, congrats on deciding an option agency, I know that's always a hard decision to make! Can't wait to hear more about your overnight workshop you're attending in August!
