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Monday, February 27, 2012

Reading Check In

Wow, I have read 7 books already this year!  Granted, a few have been YA Lit, but they were still over 200 pages so I am counting them as "real"books.  I don't believe I ever formalized my reading goal for 2012, so here goes...

I read 27 books last year, which is an average of 2.25 books per month.  If I stay at my current reading rate, I will average 3.5 books per month, which is 42 books this year.  I hesitate to increase my goal so dramatically, so I will set my goal of 40 books in 2012!

So how have I read 7 books in 2 months?  I was on vacation this week so I finished up 2 books that I had started earlier in the month as well as read 1 start to finish.  I am also participating in a Winter Reading Challenge so I am trying to get as many of those tasks read as possible.  When I am participating in a reading challenge, I only read books that will fill categories and earn points.  This one ends March 31 so my book choices will open up a bit.  I am also making reading a priority.  I am not going to lie, I watched a ton of TV this vacation, but I also read a ton.  I have been spending the time after dinner on some nights reading for what ends up being a few hours.  It also helps that I have selected some good books that I can't wait to get back into.  Also, my Kindle and the lending library has been amazing.  :-)  Happy Reading!

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