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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do be a Do Bee, Don't be a Don't Bee!

I have been noticing that a number of people I know who have chronic bad attitudes, and it is really bothering me.  I think what bugs me the most is what is bothering them is within their control to change.  I dislike seeing others give up their power within their lives and settle for being complacent and complaining!

I know not everything can be fixed, but if you don't change the parts that can, why are you complaining?  No one likes being around negative people.  No one.  Some people have real problems, like terminal illness.  I understand that we all need to vent from time to time (as I am doing now), but when these vents become all people ever say, well it's not good.

We never know how long our lives will be, so why would you spend even one day doing something that makes you so clearly miserable?  Is that how you want to live your life?