It has been a while since I've written so here is what we have been up to:
We started our own SAT prep classes a few weeks ago. This has been a dream of ours for a few years, and we finally did it this year. The timing was perfect with me being home to do all of the leg work, and we need the extra income since I am not working. The downside is that most of Dave's free time on the weekend is either prepping his lessons or teaching the classes. It is only an 8 week class so the madness is short-lived, but it is zany. If you don't know Dave, he is he most dedicated teacher I know. He is giving 150% at school and at our SAT classes. He is understandably exhausted and not home much.
So what are LX and I doing in all of our free time? Sadly, not a whole lot. The weather this time of year makes it impossible to get our walks in. We did join a Mom and Baby Group. While most of the activities are for older babies, we go to as many events as we can just to get out and meet people. We went to Barnes and Noble last week to play with trains and we went to the children's room at our library today. I had never been to the children's room, but LX loved it and we will be going back.
In other news, we still do not have a finalization date. This is so frustrating because our lawyer thought we would be finalized by the end of February "at the latest." I know it is a formality, but we want to have him as our son in every single way. As you know, patience is not my strong suit and I am so ready for that day to come. It will be so wonderful to be a forever family in the eyes of the law. It is funny how many people we know who assume that once TPR is signed, all is done. They can't believe that our adoption isn't a done deal yet. The good news is that it is a much better limbo to be in than waiting for TPR!
This reminds me of the sermon at church this week: the preacher was talking about prayers being answered. As I sat there with LX, it took everything in me to not stand up and introduce him as an answered prayer. Heck, he was the answer to a million prayers. She was saying how God answers prayers in 3 ways: yes, no, and not yet/not in the way you think. She stressed how difficult it is when you are given the not yet answer, but how much growth happens in times like those. I agree wholeheartedly At least with LX, it seems that all those months we waited were just preparing us. Our hearts were getting ready to be stretched beyond recognition, not just for LX, but for his birth parents and their families. We have learned what it means to be truly grateful. There have only been a few times since becoming a mom where I have felt frustrated with LX. I always stop and remind myself that I begged for this. Every day. The worst day with LX is better than the best day before him. It is pretty amazing what one little soul can do to a life.
What a fantastic entry Shel. Beautiful. Love you all!