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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Choosing Gratitude

I began reading a new book called Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey Toward Joy by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  I have only read the first chapter so far because it is very thought-provoking, and I need time to really process what she is saying. 

The introduction was written by Joni Eareackson Tada, who is a quadriplegic.  Most people would feel sorry for her, I know I did when I began reading.  But then, I didn't.  Her attitude was so up-lifting and positive.  She writes, "Maybe this wheelchair felt like a horrible tragedy in the beginning, but I give God thanks IN my wheelchair...I'm grateful FOR my quadriplegia.  It's a bruising of a blessing.  A gift wrapped in black.  It's the shadowy companion  that walks with me daily, pulling and pushing me into the arms of my Savior.  and THAT'S where the joy is...Your hardship and heartache come from His wise and kind hand and for that, you can be grateful.  In it and for it."  I truly believe that we are given struggles that we can handle, no matter how unpleasant they are.  Would I choose a different struggle?  Is the grass always greener in someone else's struggle?  No.  We are given what we are given so that we can grow and it is done mindfully.  Maybe embracing hardship feels unnatural, as if welcoming it welcomes more heartache.  But maybe welcoming it brings you peace.  Most of our struggles are not permanent, and I firmly believe that if we take something positive from the situation, we are on the right track. 

This book says there is much more to gratitude that just taking the lesson from the hardship however.  The author describes gratitude as her life preserver, a great image.  She tells us to stop blaming our situations for our negative feelings.  She writes, "Your frame of mind likely has less to do with your distressing circumstances than with your need to develop a thankful heart."  Wow.  How easy it is to fall into the self-pity, I know I have been there more times than I like to admit.  Haven't we all?  "An important key to not being overwhelmed by what is going on around us is looking for evidence of God's hand at work in the midst of the turmoil and being 'simply overwhelmed with thankfulness to Him.'"

So with that, have a thankful day :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know this isn't the newest post, but I really enjoyed and related to the message behind it. The book sounds excellent and I would be interested in reading it when you're finished. And I will have a thankful day thanks to YOU!
