I just realized that my last post was April 26th! Shame on me! Part of the reason I began blogging in the first place is to force me to write, and I have been a major slacker. I am sorry to disappoint my 10 followers (love you!), so I will try to get back on the blog.
I've decided to make a list of upcoming events that I am excited about, so here goes...
* summer vacation
* going to Maine
* getting my Summer Book Challenge List and READING
* A's graduation from grad school
* our good friends' wedding
* going to the track
* having a season pass to a local state park
* spending more time with D
* catching up with friends that I don't have time to see during the school year
* a cool volunteer project one of my classes is doing--amazing kids, I tell ya!
* the unknown!
“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman
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