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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nursery Inspiration Part II

Since I am home with the dreaded sore throat, etc., I've decided to do some searching for pieces to complete our nursery. We painted in Behr's Carolina Parakeet.
I love these:





Saturday, May 22, 2010


We attended A's graduation today, and I was so inspired by the commencement speaker. Usually I find graduation speakers to be lame, but this guy was good. His whole message was about finding your calling in life, and then having the courage to follow it. I especially liked how he talked about how everything falls into place when you are doing what you were put on this earth to do. I never would have believed this in the past, but now that I am in fact following my calling, I definitely agree. J and I talked about this over lunch on our way home, and we just cannot believe how our lives have turned out. We both feel more blessed than we ever thought we'd be. Not that life is perfect by any means, but I feel so happy with who I am and how my life is. Whether it was a series of well-times choices or fate, I will probably never know. Regardless, I am so grateful to be in the time of my life.

Here is a song that leave me feeling inspired:

"Can you feel the butterflies floating all around
Cause I sure can feel them now
Tonight, maybe tonight
Is the start of a beautiful ride that will never end
And baby I've got a feeling
This could be one of those memories
We're gonna hold on too, cling too, the one we can't forget
Baby this could be our last first kiss, the dawn of forever
What if this was that moment, that chance worth taking
History in the making" ~Darius Rucker

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bad Blogger

I just realized that my last post was April 26th! Shame on me! Part of the reason I began blogging in the first place is to force me to write, and I have been a major slacker. I am sorry to disappoint my 10 followers (love you!), so I will try to get back on the blog.

I've decided to make a list of upcoming events that I am excited about, so here goes...
* summer vacation
* going to Maine
* getting my Summer Book Challenge List and READING
* A's graduation from grad school
* our good friends' wedding
* going to the track
* having a season pass to a local state park
* spending more time with D
* catching up with friends that I don't have time to see during the school year
* a cool volunteer project one of my classes is doing--amazing kids, I tell ya!
* the unknown!

“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman