2015 Year in Review (only months late!)
1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
This year I became a mother to our Cecilia! Having two kids has been zany and amazing at the same time. Lucas is just the best big brother, and I love these two so much more than I ever imagined.
This year I became a mother to our Cecilia! Having two kids has been zany and amazing at the same time. Lucas is just the best big brother, and I love these two so much more than I ever imagined.
Also, I ran 175 miles! I started getting serious about running in May, and I just kept at it. I really found peace while running, and it got me through some anxious times this year.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't really make any last year, but I still need to work on my diet and exercise. I did read a decent amount, but I did not really maintain my blog.
My resolution for 2016 (as in 2013, 2014 and 2015) is to live in a state of gratitude for all I have been given, most of which I do not deserve. And also to not let the decisions of others make me angry. I also want to add that I need to make quality time for myself more of a priority this year.
I didn't really make any last year, but I still need to work on my diet and exercise. I did read a decent amount, but I did not really maintain my blog.
My resolution for 2016 (as in 2013, 2014 and 2015) is to live in a state of gratitude for all I have been given, most of which I do not deserve. And also to not let the decisions of others make me angry. I also want to add that I need to make quality time for myself more of a priority this year.
3. What places did you visit?
North Carolina, Maine, Vermont, Florida (Disney!!!!), Pennsylvania (Sesame Street Place)
North Carolina, Maine, Vermont, Florida (Disney!!!!), Pennsylvania (Sesame Street Place)
4. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
I have said this before, but I would really like to have traveled more. The year LX was born, I travelled every month but two. While I know that is not realistic, travel truly feeds my soul and I need it.
I am so happy to be a family of four. Having our daughter join us was the absolute highlight of our year!
I would like us to move a bit further south so that we can be closer to family and friends, but for now, we will see what the future holds.
5. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory?
Summer: Amanda moved to Raleigh
I would like us to move a bit further south so that we can be closer to family and friends, but for now, we will see what the future holds.
5. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory?
Summer: Amanda moved to Raleigh
8/5: We got THE CALL
8/9: Cecilia was born
8/22: LX turned 3
12/15: Cecilia's adoption was finalized
8/9: Cecilia was born
8/22: LX turned 3
12/15: Cecilia's adoption was finalized
6. What were your biggest achievements of the year?
First, we as a family have adjusted pretty well to our newest addition. I can say that the first 6 months were nightmarish at times, but life has really settled into a nice routine. Lucas has grown in his role as "big brother," and Dave and I still like each other! Kidding aside, the transition from one child to two was much more difficult than I expected, even though everyone warned me.
I have been lucky to take the school year off to be home with both kids as I did when Lucas came home. It has been such a great bonding experience, and most days are a lot of fun.
First, we as a family have adjusted pretty well to our newest addition. I can say that the first 6 months were nightmarish at times, but life has really settled into a nice routine. Lucas has grown in his role as "big brother," and Dave and I still like each other! Kidding aside, the transition from one child to two was much more difficult than I expected, even though everyone warned me.
I have been lucky to take the school year off to be home with both kids as I did when Lucas came home. It has been such a great bonding experience, and most days are a lot of fun.
7. What were your biggest failures?
Blogging and reading! There just isn't time. By the end of the day, I just crash on the couch with lame TV.
8. Did you suffer illness or injury?
No :-)
9. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
SO many new firsts with Cecilia. While we are STILL waiting for her to sleep through the night, it has been so fun having a baby again. The gummy grins are the best.
10. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
a bit of both actually
b) thinner or fatter?
c) richer or poorer?
11. What do you wish you’d done more of?
I wish Dave and I took more time together as date nights. I miss my hubs sometimes as we are in the throes of parenting.
12. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Eating bad food!
Eating bad food!
13. What were your favorite TV programs?
House of Cards
The Wire
Game of Thrones
The Good Wife
The Wire
Game of Thrones
The Good Wife
14. What did you do for your birthday in 2015?
On my actual birthday, I went on a field trip to an apple orchard with Lucas! It was so much fun. It was his first one, and he was so excited. Honestly, I can't say who was more excited between the two of us. I also bought a new car the week of my birthday. Like last year, we went to Naturefest, and my parents joined us.
15. What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015?
To try to be happy with what you have, where you are and who you are with. I am someone who is always chasing the next big thing, but there is a lot to be said for accepting where I am, especially since it is pretty great.
16. My goals for 2016:
Be present, say thank you, love more!
Happy New Year!