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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Travel Plans

As you have probably gathered from previous posts, I am a bit of a travel junkie.  I love getting out of town, even though I do love where I live.  We went from having very little travel on the calendar at the beginning of the year to now being quite booked!  In my excitement, here are the plans:


We have been heading south to Pittsboro, NC since 2009.  Wow, I had to look that up.  I can't believe we've been going that long!  This will be our 7th trip, and I am just as excited.  We stay with my in laws, and it is just a relaxing time. We don't do much, but we take lots of walks and enjoy each other's company.


We also make a yearly trek to southern Maine.  I love this trip because I am obsessed with the sea.  I tell Dave constantly that I would be happy to live in a small cottage by the ocean, and that I hope we can do that some day.  While we don't stay on the beach, we get there just about every day.  While the ocean water is too cold to swim, we found a small inlet that is perfect for LX.  We also do TOO much shopping at the outlets.  Another highlight is the lobster mac and cheese.  While it isn't Cape Cod (my one true travel love), it is close enough.


We are heading to Boston in July!  Before LX was born, we would make a yearly pilgrimage there.  It is a city (the only city aside from Paris) that has captured my heart.  I am far from a city girl, but if I HAD to live in a city, Beantown would be it.  The accents, the food, the Sox.  Need I go on?  We are heading in this year to see a game and spend one night.  


We are taking a short trip with another family out to western NY.  Our friends have a cabin on a lake, and they have invited us for the week.  Sadly, I have no idea what it looks like, but I am excited to go!

All summer:

One of the best parts of living where we live is that we have an awesome lake with camping and hiking trails just 10 minutes from our house.  We camp there every summer (and plan to do the same this year), and spend tons of time at the beach with our friends and family. My parents often kayak up there as well.  We love taking a day up there with my parents or sisters.  It is the perfect place for summer relaxation.


I can't believe I am writing this as I am so unexpectedly excited.  We are going to DISNEY!!!! This trip came about as somewhat of a surprise, and it came about quickly.  The idea was mentioned, and 3 days later, it was booked.  It is a family trip with Dave's family for his parents' 50th wedding anniversary.  Each of their children are coming; one from Maine and one from California.  It should be a trip of a lifetime.