It has been another big month for LX! He now has 2 teeth on the bottom and his front teeth are starting to cut through. He is moving like a champ! While he isn't crawling quite yet, he is up on his hands and knees. He also uses his arms to pull himself forward and he rolls, so it is only a matter of time.
LX has some new activities that he enjoys. He loves going to the library and to the park. We take walks almost every day. He also loves chasing the dogs! Nothing makes him laugh harder than when one of their tails is within grabbing distance. His favorite toys are blocks, books (to chew), and anything that makes music. We have a set of baby instruments, and he loves to play the morracca and the bells. I play the harmonica and the drum and we have quite a time! He is very tactile, exploring everything with his hands. There is nothing that doesn't interest him from the carpet on the floor to whatever is on the table or in our hands!
His voice is really coming out too. He is often "talking." Sometimes if Dave and I are talking at dinner, he will kind of shout "ahhhhhhh" over us to be heard! It is so funny! He also likes to make that noise in the middle of the night for no reason. Aside from that, he is still a great sleeper. Bath is still a favorite time of day for him. We plan to take him for baby swim lessons this summer.
He is such a happy boy, and we love him so much!